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Overview of School Admin
Dan O'Reilly avatar
Written by Dan O'Reilly
Updated over a week ago

As a school admin, you want to manage your school, staff, and students as effectively as possibly. LearnCube will save you time and free you to focus on the tasks that will help your school grow.

The links and information below will help direct you to support articles with more details. Alternatively, watch a few videos on this playlist. They'll help you to get started!

LearnCube brings everything to run your school successfully in one convenient place.

  • Manage students, staff and teachers

  • Manage teacher availability and performance

  • Manage role permissions - School admin, staff, teachers, limited CRM access

  • Manage class schedules (online and offline in your physical school)

  • Customise your plans, pricing and packages

  • Build a shared library of learning materials, digital content, videos, PDF, etc

  • Discover new insights, reports, monitor attendance, lateness, etc

To access all of these features, check out your School Admin Dashboard by clicking School Admin from the top bar.

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