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How to Redo Your Equipment Checks

The first step for in-class troubleshooting

Wilim Abrook avatar
Written by Wilim Abrook
Updated over 3 years ago

Redoing your equipment checks is always the first step you should take when experiencing connection issues.

To do so:

  • Click on the settings icon on the right hand side of the whiteboard.

    1. If you’re on conversation mode, you’ll need to switch to standard or whiteboard only mode.

  • Scroll down to "Audio / Video"

  • Click on the little button beside “Redo Equipment Checks”

  • This will bring you out of the classroom, and restart the equipment checks.

Walking students through the process:

Sometimes, you will have students who are not very tech savvy, or who don’t speak the same language as you. It’s important to be able to walk them through redoing their equipment checks in a clear and simple way, to avoid frustration.

This is especially the case for new students, as they won’t have done it before.

  • Don’t redo your checks until the student redoes theirs. This is because when you redo the equipment checks, the student will see “Waiting for teacher...” in your video pane, and may think you’ve left! As soon as they leave, then click redo your checks, so you both re-enter at the same time.

  • In cases where your student may not be able to hear you, be sure to write a quick message in the chat. If there is a language barrier, you can use the translate tool to write the message in the student's language too.

  • If your student is struggling with your instructions, it may be better to draw a little arrow, and paste screengrabs of what you want them to click. (See how to do that here.)

  • When giving instructions, remember that your student has fewer buttons on the right-hand-side of the whiteboard than you.

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