Changes in daylight savings time are accounted for in the Online School platform. As an admin or teacher, you don't need to switch any of your classes to accommodate the change in time before the change has happened, it'll change automatically!
LearnCube, like most online platforms, uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). As UTC never changes, it helps avoid daylight savings time issues. When a class is created, the time is stored in UTC on our side but you will see those classes in your chosen time.
As a teacher, what happens when there's a change in daylight savings?
If you're a teacher based in the same time zone as a school where daylight savings change, nothing will change. Classes will stay at the same time. For example, a school in Italy with a teacher in Italy will not see a change.
If you're a teacher based in a different timezone than the school where daylight savings changes, then the class time will change for you. Once DST changes, remember to log into your account and check on your class times and availability slots on your calendar to ensure they're still at the right times for you.
As a student, what happens when there's a change in daylight savings?
If you're a student based in the same timezone as a school where daylight savings change, nothing will change. Classes will stay at the same time. For example, a school in Italy with a student in Italy will not see a change.
If you're a student joining classes with a school outside of the timezone, the class time will change to match the change in daylight savings. For example, a school-based in Italy will have a class booked at 10 am. On the school's side, the class will remain at that time but if you're a student in a non-changing timezone, then the class will move back or forward an hour.
What can be done by the school to manage a changing timezone?
Be aware of the change and communicate with your team and students to check their calendar and bookings right after the switch to make sure they're aware of any new times.