Online School teachers can take advantage of Demo Classrooms, which can be a great way of providing prospective students with taster classes. You can use these classes to promote your school and encourage students to sign-up.
The following video has very helpful and valuable tips to make use of this feature:
You can enable a Demo Classroom for any teacher or staff member in your Online School.
How to enable a Demo Classroom
1. Click on either Teachers or Admin Staff from the left-hand menu.
2. Click on the Teacher or Admin Staff member you want to create a demo class for.
3. You'll see a tick box that says "Demo class", select that tick box.
4. Click Save
5. You'll be taken to a new page. You will see a demo link that is available for you to share.
Using a Demo Classroom
The teacher will need to be logged in when they access their Demo Classroom.
When accessing the link, students will just need to insert their names.
When the student clicks the Enter demo room button, they will be notified that their teacher has been informed that they're waiting to enter.
The teacher will be notified.
The teacher can also click the toggle for student Automatic Entry to a demo class if this is their preference.
Our recommendation is for the teacher to be notified and 'allow' the student to enter so they do not interrupt students who may already be learning with the teacher.