If you have any issue with a class on LearnCube, we can check our logs and offer assistance in investigating the root cause of it.
You can contact support through the chat icon on the bottom right of your dashboard or by emailing support@learncube.com.
Online School Premium administrators also have access to our Premium Support email for faster response times.
One simple way to speed up our response is by sending us the Post-Class review link. This is a unique URL assigned to every class.
To give you the best help, it would be helpful if you could tell us briefly what happened before and after the problem occurred. If your tutor has already tried to fix the issue, please share those details with us. If possible, please attach a screenshot too (including the address bar). This would help us understand the situation better and find a solution for you.
How do I find the class review link?
For Online School Premium Teachers.
Simply go to Class Admin > Class Reports.
You will see lines of classes. Click on 'Class Review'
Simply copy the URL and send it over to us. This is what we use to find and diagnose the issue.
For Standalone Virtual Classroom Teachers:
In the 'standalone' virtual classroom, the post-class review is accessible through the 'Class review' button.
A learner or teacher can also share the review link which is made up of the classroom link followed by /#/review, for example:
https: //app. learncube. com/vc/room/class-john-55667-jtruhzpkxxxx/#/review/