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How to break up / split a large PDF

How to split up a big PDF to upload to your resource library

Alexander Asher avatar
Written by Alexander Asher
Updated over a week ago

LearnCube does not accept very large PDF uploads that are over 10 MB (as the typical resource of 10 - 30 pages should be around 2 - 5MB).

Why this is a problem:

  • Takes too long to upload to the cloud and too long to load inside the virtual classroom which is frustrating for both sides

  • Files this large are often 50+ pages which is far more than can be covered in a single lesson and make it difficult to navigate.

That is why we recommend users either compress the file using Ilovepdf or choosing just the pages you want to extract using PDF2go

How to reduce the size of a large multi-page PDF

We recommend PDF2GO because it is free and the split pages are downloadable as a single file vs separate files.

1. Go to the PDF2GO website:

2. Choose the File you wish to upload to the split PDF tool

3. Remove the files you do not want. We recommend separating curriculum materials into more or less what you can go through in a typical class (i.e. 10 - 30 pages).

4. Click the Save button the far right.

The tool will automatically download the file to your desktop or you can click the download button.

This downloads the new (smaller) file to your desktop.

5. This smaller file is what you should upload to LearnCube to ensure fast loading and a better student experience.

If your file is still too large...

Even cutting down some of the pages may not be enough with PDFs with lots of high definition imagery.

We would then also recommend compressing the file as in this article

Note: You are responsible for the files you upload to LearnCube. Please make sure you have the appropriate license for published materials.

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